This Girl

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Random. Yes, totally random.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Quote of The Day1

"Everything in human is pathetic. The secret source of humor itself is not joy but sorrow. There's no humor in heaven."

-Mark Twain

Love. Trust. Wrong.

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to no one.


Love one, trust many, do wrong to a few.

-DJ Still Alive

Monday, March 30, 2009

Aku Kapan Ya?

Gue (A), Ratri,adek gue (R).

A : (nunjuk foto pernikahan bokapnyokap yang adat jawa) Itu waktu mama-papa nikah, terus melahirkan Kak Thia.
R : Oooh. (Manggut manggut)
A : (nunjuk foto nikah bokapnyokap yang adat palembang) Nah, kalo yang itu pas nikah, melahirkan aku.
R : (ngangguk-ngangguk mengerti) Oh gitu, terus aku kapan dong kak?
A : Mana kakak tau! (ngibrit)

Sotoynya anak kecil.


Adek : Mas, teh botolnya satu ya.
Mas2 : Yang biasa atau yang dingin dek?
Adek : Yang dingin aja deh mas.
Mas2 : Yang dingin nggak ada dek.

zzzzzz -_________-

Something Inside

It's the first thing you see as you open your eyes.
The last thing you say as you're saying goodbye.
Something inside you is crying and driving you on.
Cause if you hadn't found me, I would have found you.

Mini's First Time

I just watched Mini's First Time. The film is about a girl named Mini, a daughter of a gold-digging former actress. Mini prizes her 'unique experiences', she called them 'firsts'. For excitement, and to add lists of her firsts, she decides to be a call-girl. And her second client is-guess what? Her stepfather! And they want to kill Mini's mother slowly. So.. just watch the film :) I'm too lazy to type hehe. the film was quiet good, and one word: TRICKY!

Starring :

Nikki Reed (Mini)
Alec Baldwin (Martin, mini's stepfather)
Carrie-Anne Moss (Diane, Mini's mother)


The Psychology of Hypocrisy-A Note to Myself

Lately, I like browsing about psychology. Especially the Psychology of Hypocrisy. Hehehe :)

Anyway, what I found really makes me surprised, and a little bit happy :)
This is Loonie Lee Best's Hypocrisy Formula:


And in psychology, hypocrisy is closely related to fundamental attribution error. Also, some people genuinely fail to recognize that they have character faults which they condemn in others, this is called psychological projection.

Anyway, there's a website that mention that everybody loves a hypocrite. Hahaha. And I think one of the reasons for the people to be a hypocrite, because they want to get the best of both worlds. That's right, I think. (Maybe) they are also scared to be rejected. This is just my opinion :)

And I think, moral relativism also can decide whether a person is a hypocrite or not. :p

(sok sok jadi psikolog, padahal...)

Again, this is just my opinion.

Repeat After Me

Hello my dearest friend,

Thanks for the post, thanks a lot. Thanks for choosing such a word. Thanks for opening my blind eyes to the world.

If you let me bring a knife for you to stab me, sure, I will. If you let me bring a mirror for you to look at yourself, sure, I'm sure I will.

Don't tell me crap if it just makes you want to vomit. Because having such a 'close' enemy, it's just, CRAP!

You don't want to be a backstabber right? So don't. Then say it in front of my face, with manners.

You must not tell lies, honey. If you hate me, then hate me. If you love me, love me. Don't tell me lies. I don't hate those who hate me, I just hate backstabbers. And it's life, you interact.

Repeat after me : HY-PO-CRITE.

Sincerely Yours,


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Quote 1

You must not tell lies, honey.

Play Smart

CRITIC= A Person who offers reasoned judgement or analysis, value judgement, interpretation, or observation.

Criticism in terms of expectations mean democratic judgement over the suitability of a subject for the intended purpose, as opposed to the authoritarian command, which is meant as an absolute realization of the authority's will, thus not open for debate.


See? Critic is a person who offers reasoned judgement or analysis, etc.

Reason. I need reason. As simple as that. Don't just give me your comment without reason. Don't worry girl, I'm not going down. And I'm sure you're a well-educated girl and you know manners. Wait, do you know manners? In case you don't know about manners, here is the definition:

MANNERS are unenforced standards of conduct which show the actor to be polite or cultured. They are like laws in that they codify or set a standards for human behaviour.


If you want to criticize me, or you want to bring me down (if your real purpose is bringing me down) please do it with style (ROFLMAO), watch your manners, girl. Play smart.



Me and My BFFs

Hey. My name is Ajeng, and I'm an egoistic-fussy-sensitive-drama queen that cry easily. I have some BFFs that I loooveee very muccch. There's Rafi, we have known each other since we were in kindergarten, yeah so, we really know each other. I mean it when I say 'really'. And there's Dimas, I have known him since we were on the 3rd grade on the elementary school. And there's Langen, my trrrrruuuuuuueeeeeee BFF. Oh, I miss her so much, we haven't seen each other for 10 months :(

...they know my dark secrets, they're always by my side when I'm sad, and they DO love me the way I am. And of course I DO love them the way they are.

I'm not a popular girl. I'm shy, and I don't really enjoy being center of attention. So I just have a few close friends that I (hopefully) can depend on. So, just so you know, I accept you the way you are and you just accept me the way I am.

Well, that's life wench.

The Strangers

Katanyaaaa this is inspired by true events, yaya maybe. The movie is about a couple named Kristen (Liv Tyler) and James (Scott Speedman). They are staying at a summer house. FYI, this summer house is ISOLATED, seriously. Suddenly, at about 4am there's someone knocking the door and asking if someone is home, and she is told that it is the wrong house. But they get terrorized by 3 silent-masked intruders.

My opinion :

1. there are too much intruders. One is enough. Two, tricky. Three? Main keroyokan aje lu.

2. Endingnya nggak jelas. Now, I even don't know who the intruders were. Dan klimaksnya nggak ditonjolkan. Ini dia dialog intinya:

James and Kristen : Why do you do this to us? (sob sob)
Intruders : Because you were home.
bla bla bla bla gitu deh

Lah? Ngerti nggak lo? Gue sih nggak.

3. Do you know? Tokohnya cuma 8 mameeeeeeen. Bener2 nggak ada yang laen, itu juga yang disorot terus cuma 2. Okay, banyaknya tokoh emang nggak menjamin mutu film, buktinya I am Legend itu bagus banget. But, sorry to say, 8 tokoh di sini itu membosankan. Mungkin butuh 100 tokoh utama supaya film ini lebih seru.

4. I know, I know, sometimes characters in horror/thriller movies do  A LOT of silly things. But this is too much. Gue nggak tau Liv Tyler segoblok itu.

CONCLUSION : Sorry to say, but I regret that I watched this movie. Untung nggak nonton di bioskop. And I think Halloween is better than this.

Anyway, kalo mau liat si masked intruders, ini dia gambarnya:

Oh ya, yang jadi intruder blonde itu Gemma Ward hehe.


Sat, March 28th 2009

Gara-gara weekend ga ada acara, dengan bejatnya gue nelpon ke rumah Izza sambil maksa-maksa Fikri (adeknya si ijah) buat berenang di rumah gue, otomatis Izza ikut doooongzz. Akhirnya keinginan gue kesampean, terus pas Izza mau pulang gue bujuk2 papa-mama (haha) buat nginep di rumah Izza, dengan alesan mau liat kamar barunya Izza yang katanya fantastis itu locc. yaudah pas nyampe, gue langsung berlari menyongsong kamar baru Izza yang di lt.2. Dan...

ANJRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIT keren banggggggggggettttt, kewl abis, dan peewee gaskins (iya gue tau ini garing). Terus ya udah, kan bokapnya Izza beliin makanan padang, gue yang sehati dengan Izza pun berbagi makanan (ceile). Abis itu Izza ngajak ke PIM, rencananya mau pake busway, tapi gara2 takut ga boleh sama bokapnye izza, akhirnya kita memutuskan rencana B.. yaitu ke ITC Permata Hijau yang pernah ada kejadian orang abis kebaktian terus mobilnye jatoh itu lohhhhh. Maksudnya sih mau beli DVD bajakan, dasar, dasar. Yaudah gue naik busway ke ITC, aduh penurunan derajat ya mas, mas. Sampe ITC gue langsung nyari Okirobox, mau beli takoyaki.Eh, mas masnya sok kenal.
Gue (A), Izza (I), Mas-mas Okirobox (O)

A, I : Mas, takoyaki octopus 2 ya mas. (abis itu ngobrolin masalah penurunan derajat bedua)
O : Dek, nggak sekolah dek?
I : Nggak mas, kan sabtu libur.
O : Oooh, emang sekolah dimana? Swasta ya? Penabur ya?
ebuset nanyanya borongan.
A : Nggak mas, bukan penabur. Muka saya jawa gini mau sekolah di penabur?
O : ooh, gitu dek. Emang sekolah dimana?
I,A : Negeri kok mas.
O : Kok libur?
A : Mana saya tau.
I : Iya mas, kita kan anak TULIM dan SMABELZZZZ.
fyi: tulim itu tujuh lima, singkatan gahoelznya hahahaha ngakak gue
O : Oh, haha. (garuk garuk kepala) Eh dek, di sekolahnya suka ada bazzaar gitu nggak?
I : Wah, ada sih mas, tapi udah lewat tuh.
O : Wah, lain kali kalo ada acara undang okirobox dong, entar mas jualan
A,I : -_______- OKIROBOX KEMAHALAN MAS, 14rb cuma dapet 4! (berkata tanpa perasaan)
O: Ooh, gitu ya dek.. (langsung menunduk kehabisan kata2)

Kasian amat lu mas, sabar ye, si izza emang gitu.

Terus terus, gue kan ke tempat DVD, akhirnya beli the Strangers, Hounddog, Little Miss Sunshine, sama Winged Creatures. Terus kan Izza mau beli cola float, eh nggak ada, jadinya beli fanta freeze, gue beli McFlurry Caramel, gue kira harganya 6rb, eh ternyata 7 RIBU. Padahal keciiiil banget, lebih kecil drpada McFlurry biasa. Kata Izza "Ah elah lu beda seribu aja dendam sama mas masnya." Hahahaaha. Terus gue nemu drawstring bag warna kuning, merah sama iteeem. Luccccccccccuuuuuuuuu banget, maunya sih kembaran sama si Izza, tapi apa daya duit gue ga ada -_- Terus keliling-keliling, dan tadinya gue mau beli kaos kaki 10 rb dapet 3, tapi nggak jadi ah, maksudnya tuh buat kalo tidur tapi kata Izza nggak guna juga sih hehe gue ada yang dr airline hehe. Terus gue nonton filmnya, ulasannya di post berikutnya yaa. Ya terus gitulah gitulah gitulah.

Hari berikutnya (titik titik)

Gue bangun tidur, main gitar, terus semedi di kamar mandinya si Izza yang bisa buat bertapa itu loh. Terus gue nyalain DVD player sama TV di kamar Izza (lagi), nonton lagi, eh ada si fikri dateng minta disetelin Go Diego Go yang sangat goblok itu. Yaudah gue ikut nonton. Terus Izza minta ajarin gitar sampe bengong gitu, tuh anak kocakdah haha. Sebenernya siangnya bokapnyokapkakakadek gue mau ke Ritz Carlton, mau makan tapi gue malesssss, bosen ah, mau masak aja. Akhirnya gue menciptakan resep 'Mie Schotel Bakso rasa Soto' bareng izza, dan nggak boong ya, rasanya enaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak banget. Apalagi kalo ditambah keju quickmelt sama daging asap, rasanya melayang di udara (lebay). sisanya tidak begitu asyik, jadi udah ya dadaaaaah bebilop.

Friday, March 27, 2009

I Love It When...

Homework from my sistaaah.

I love it when...

1. I play guitar even though I'm not good at it.

2. It rains, and I can go out and run, dance, and do whatever I want. oh I miss that time  -.-

3. I'm alone in my bedroom and there isn't any annoying people

4. I meet my cousins, esp. Izza and Adis

5. I have a good and deep conversation with... (fill in the blank)

6. My friends call me via cellphone and we talk A LOT

7. I'm having fun with my best friends and there isn't any cheeky monkeys

8. I make a lipsync video, just for fun hehehe

9. I eat good food, with good friends in a good place

10. I watch movies. I'm not a moviegoers (how do you spell it? ^_^)  but I love watching movies

11. I'm sleeping and there's no one interrupting me

12. I watch TV until I fall asleep, that's good for health HAHAHAHAHA

13. I find some fabulous bags or clothes from my mom's closet

14. I go to school and the teachers are gone, maybe they have a meeting or whatever

I don't know what to type hehehe :) so byee


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I don't have much time to post (prikitiw), but I suggest you to open this site. Except you're a son/daughter of a 'caleg', just open this site, and laugh til you die.


laughing clot.

Gus Carr

Have you watched Bring It On : All or Nothing? If your answer is yes, then you must know Gus Carr.

He was born in Milwaukee on November 16th 1983. He starred in Bring It On: All or Nothing as Jesse, and he's a total hottie. He also played in 7th Heaven (I haven't watched it). Anyway, don't you think he's handsome?


Finally, my monthly exams ended about.. 3 hrs ago. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'M FREE NOW! (evil laugh) Don't disturb me okay? Let me enjoy this exams-free-so-I-can-use-the-computer-all-day-long-time! HUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! anyway,'s my marks?

oh, I think I can't relax until I know ALL my marks. Oh screw exams. Damn it.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

That Papaya Things

I took a 'What tropical fruit are you?' and here's the result:

You Are a Papaya

You are a calm, balanced, and mild mannered person.

While you're peaceful and together, you're also quite complex.

You are authentic and honest. There are some very distinct elements to your personality.

You are exotic and original, but you don't flaunt it. You allow others to discover your subtle complexities.


1. You're a calm, balanced and a mild mannered person.

Anway, from the outside, I'm veeeery calm and shy, if you know me, I'm an evil HAHAHA, and deeeeeeeeeeeep down, I'm a calm and hmm, what's the word? thinkful? perfectionist? oh whatever.

2. While you're peaceful and together, you're also quite complex.

Hell yeah, that's right haha.

3.  You are authentic and honest. There are some very distinct elements to your personality.

Haha, I'm flyiiiiing babe.

4. You are exotic and original, but you don't flaunt it. You allow others to discover your subtle complexities.

Exotic. Hmm. I'm kinda scared. Why is everybody says I'm exotic? Am I, umm, like 3-green-eyed-alien or something? Anyway what's the definition of exotic?

F4-or Whatever

Okay. This is my guilty pleasure.

I like oriental serials.

And anyway, do you know 'Meteor Garden'? I have watched Meteor Garden. But I think the japanese version is A LOT better. I spent the whole night comparing Hana Yori Dango and Meteor Garden and Boys Before Flowers (the korean version, even though I havent watched it :p) with my sister, and we have some theories.

1. Because Hana Yori Dango is from Japanese comic/manga, so we think that the japanese version should be better that the others

2. Isn't it weird if there's an athletic-metrosexual-guy? Sorry to say, but that makes me want to vomit. (SOOOOORRRRRY)

3. Somehow, I think Matsumoto Jun really fits in Domyouji Tsukasa.

4. And Inoue Mao really fits in Makino Tsukushi.

5. And they have the chemistry

6. And I love Oguri Shun

7. And Oguri Shun is reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllly handsome

8. And Oguri Shun is really hot

9. And I dont like boys with long hair

10. And Hana Yori Dango is a lot funnier than Meteor Garden

11. And... oh idk what to say. I just love Hana Yori Dango!

oh whatever

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Oh NO! It Wasn't Me.

Hi bloggers. My name is Ajeng and I live in Jakarta, Indonesia. I'm just a little girl lost in the moment, trying to find some ways to express my feelings. And why ohnoitwasntme? The answer si IDK why, the words just came out and pop! Hm, im not good at describing things but the process was just like that. okay i dont know what to type so i'll just end this stupid post. bye, enjoy my blog.